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Weekend Links

#Foodispolitics is the theme around here this week people.

We are taking a vote with every single bite of food we take, every dollar we spend on food. We are voting for our health, community, government policies, racism, equality and just everything. I always knew I had a strong connection to food, but I’m just now realizing how far it actually stretches, and not just for me but for all of us.

We’ll start off light with the Case for the Hard Shell Taco, because in the US we like to make everything our own way.

Who knew that saving seeds from your own plants was actually an act of rebellion? These day is it, but we need that biodiversity.

Even the rain forest is better off when women have reproductive healthcare. It make sense, women have more tendencies toward stewardship, empowering them through healthcare gives them more tools to be these amazing stewards.

On that note: I love this Instagram account. 

Even Former President Obama admits we should eat less meat. Even if it’s just having a smaller steak.

He says’ this because of studies like this one, that say we would need 1.7 earths to make our consumption stable.

Hunger and Poverty go hand in hand. 

My brain simply can not fathom the atrocities that are (and were) suffered in my own country. I loved this piece on food and politics in the south and how’s it’s affected the rest of the country.

For all the farmers at the will of the corporations. How do we change this system???

Let’s lighten it back up with some fun stuff I’ve been pinning lately because if you haven’t noticed I’ve been pinning a lot. At the end of the day when my feet are swollen it’s been my go to while on the couch. Also, check out my group board Food Love.

Just click on the photo to go to the page.



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