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Half Year Thoughts

A review of new years goals at the half year mark and a few new ones for summer.

Yesterday marked the first day of summer. The changing of the seasons always feels like a good time to reflect, and I have been doing a lot of that lately (See here, here and here). If you are interested in my thoughts from the beginning of spring you can read them here.

I had a few simple goals this year and at the halfway point I’m feeling pretty good about achieving most of them.

One of my main goals was to stay in touch with my many far flung friends, and while I have done better with some, others have fallen to the wayside, and sometimes that just how it ends up being, it’s ok, if time and life push us together once more I will happily accept them back into my life, if not that’s ok too. I have made a number of new friends that I am excited to get to know further. We are building a little community here in our town and it’s a wonderful feeling.

Saving money was very much on my mind in the beginning of the year and despite spending a pretty penny on our house, and this wedding we are still doing ok with that. Our spending habits have improved, along with our eating habits (I think that may be related). I know that during the work/moving phase of this year that will go backward a bit, but once we are settled I am hoping to keep those good habits up.

Fitness was another major goal category for me this year, and I have to say I could be doing so much better in this category. I have spurts of good habits before the stress of life pulls me back into laziness. I am drinking more water, eating breakfast every day, and my overall diet is much better than it was in January, but I have not been successful at morning yoga or keeping up with regular workouts. I hope that I can make this a priority again soon; there are less than 4 months until the wedding so I am running out of time!

Something that was not on my goals list, but I want to mention, is the blossoming of my artistic side (too cheesy? I’m not sure).  In the last six or more months I have really developed a need to be creative daily, something that I had hoped after NaNoWriMo to really develop. The 12-12-12 project has driven me some but the daily practice of being creative has really made me feel more alive than I have in a long time. It might even be to blame for why I can’t seem to get myself to work out regularly, I’d rather be doing something creative with that time. I’m looking forward to sharing a number of really awesome projects with you in the coming months, and I hope that you guy’s are too.

This summer is going to be busy, there is no doubting that and on the other side of it there will be a long awaited wedding, the first full week of vacation in almost 3 years and the first holidays both in our home and as a married couple. Even though I know that I already have a lot to look forward to there are a few little goals that I want to jot down here to remind me to enjoy the little things and stay on track.

  1. Get the new yard under control
  2. Do yoga often
  3. Get married, without loosing my mind
  4. Host a dinner party
  5. Keep “Stuff” from entering the new house
  6. Drink red wine by the fire in the back yard
  7. Encourage Chuck and guests to play music more
  8. Settle into the new house
  9. Paint some rooms
  10. Hike more
  11. Fish often

I am so pleased with how the first half of this year has turned out and I cannot wait to see what summer and the rest of 2015 has in store for me.

How is your year coming along? Have you accomplished or worked toward any of your goals??

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