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I’m posting this on Monday the second instead of the first of the month because Sunday is the day I post weekly meal plans. People have habits and who am I to screw up their meal plan and shopping habits? You understand I’m sure.

Anywhoodles, October was a great month. Both Chuck and I got our time in the woods in, me hiking and he hunting. It was much needed.

We celebrated our first month of marriage with some homemade apple pie.


We also got to enjoy an awesome house warming party at the Shauber’s and see some friends that we don’t often get to see.

We also got a bunch of house projects done. It’s a relief to finally have some things done around here.

Unfortunately somewhere between the hiking and house projects I sprained my shoulder and have been hanging out with a sling for the last week and change. It’s really putting a damper on my cooking ability but at least Chuck looks good in an apron.


Overall it was a pretty lowkey month, which was much needed after last months craziness.


Now that November has started it is also NaNoWriMo. You might remember that I participated in this last year and it had a profound effect on me. I’m planning on participating this year as well, although it may be in a different capacity. I’m nowhere near prepared in my novel setup or mental state to take on the task of writing 50,000 words in 3o days. Instead I plan to put at least 10 minutes a day for all of these 30 days toward writing the novel I had started to prepare for this year or editing last years. That’s 10 minutes of everyday spent on my passion projects, something that I hope will get those creative juices flowing in me again. I’ll let you know how it goes at the end of the month.

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